Posted 08 September 2021
She Beasts CIC – interview with founder Sadie Jones
BSWA are working with Sadie and She Beasts, a female community interest company offering fitness and training, to offer rebounding classes for women in our projects. We asked Sadie to tell us about her mission with She Beasts, and why she wanted to work with women who have experienced domestic abuse.
‘Tell us about She Beasts; what it’s all about?‘
SheBeasts is all about encouraging females to find their inner beast, that strength within them. The confidence to be who ever they want to be. This is achieved by working with females using mindset & movement to take back control over the future they want. Our biggest differentiator is as an all-female business: a sisterhood where those who can pay for the services, pay it forward which allows us to offer identical services to women who have been victims of domestic and substance abuse. Our movement of SheBeasts is a real opportunity for women to unite to be part of a community that genuinely wants to see each other thrive.
‘How did you come to weight training and rebounding; have you always been into fitness?’
I have always loved fitness. In my early years it was escapism from a tough childhood something that I was able to control. Back then it was sprinting, but it gave me a foundation and discipline that my life lacked. Weight training was something I found with an ex-partner. I fell in love with the iron almost immediately. I guess it is the changes that you can see happen before your eyes that has kept me hooked. The nickname SheBeast came from me training with pretty much all guys, and they were impressed with my strength and mental composure when training. The confidence that strength training gives me the fact that I know my body is capable of so much that it is strong and powerful is an invigorating feeling one I want all women to experience. Rebounding came later and was driven by the fact that I worked with so many women who were not confident to start training in a gym and I wanted to be able to offer them the same benefits in a less intimidating way. Rebounding is a great way to start a fitness journey it’s fun, friendly and a fantastic way to use all the muscles. I incorporate weights into my intermediate classes and it’s a great transition for the ladies to see how amazing their bodies are and how truly capable they are of whatever they put their minds to.
‘Why do you think fitness can be such an important part of recovery after trauma?’
Trauma effects the body both physically and mentally. It directly effects how you feel about yourself and the choices you make and puts a huge amount of stress on the body. The result is all so often self-sabotage, destructive thoughts, and loss of confidence. By exercising we release endorphins that change our mood from negative to positive overtime if utilised with the right nutritional support we can transform our mindset. This when applied as a consistent habit results in so many physical and mental changes and we grow as an individual increase our life span and if anything like my experience it gives you a fresh new outlook on the future.
‘What tips would you give to any women who would like to improve their fitness but don’t know where to start?’
The best tip I have is just start fitness does not have to be a class or the gym. Start in your own space start small with setting a challenge for yourself; what the maximum number of steps I can achieve in 1 day this week. Before you know it, those steps will be fast walks, maybe jogs who knows even sprints or rebounding. The trick is not to wait till you find the right time or space it just to take the 1st step 😊
Sadie is a coach, trainer and businesswoman. For more information about She Beasts visit the website www.shebeastscic.co.uk
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