Leave a gift in your will
By leaving a gift to BSWA in your will, you’re helping to ensure our vital and life-changing services will be there for the women we haven’t met yet.
Domestic abuse isn’t going away, and neither are we.
There are different types of legacy gift: ‘pecuniary’ legacy gifts are of a specific figure of money, which can have inflation taken into account; leaving the residue of an estate to a charity such as ours is called a ‘residuary gift’. When drawing up your will you can discuss with your solicitor which is best for your circumstances.
If you would like to set up a will for free, and make a pledge to us at the same time we have teamed up with Free Wills who offer this service completely free of charge.
Once you’ve arranged a legacy gift to us, please do let us know so we can thank you! Contact us on info@bswaid.org.
“After 8 years I still say to myself,
I want to support people the way you supported me.”