Privacy Statement
What is a privacy statement?
Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid (BSWA) want to make sure that you understand how we process your personal data. You can use the Recite Me toolbar at the top of this page to make this information easier to understand, either by reading it out loud to you or changing the language.
In this statement we will call ourselves BSWA.

Personal data is any information which would then make you as an individual identifiable, or any information combined with other information which would then make you identifiable. You can find out more from the ICO
Our data protection officer is Kathleen Williams. She can be contacted by email marked for her attention
We have to explain certain matters to you by law. This statement sets out that information.
This privacy statement tells you what to expect when BSWA collect personal information. It applies to information we collect about groups of people.
BSWA will only collect, process and store information where we have a lawful basis, and a legitimate interest in doing so. We want to be open about collecting this information and clear about what we will use it for.
For some of the groups of people listed below we have different statements which explain in more detail how we process your information, the lawful basis for this, our responsibilities and your rights. You can read those statements by clicking on the links.
People who email us and apply for jobs with us
People who are known to our service users: We only collect and store data related to people who are known to our service users to manage the risk, protect the safety and provide effective service for women. We do this as part of our duty to Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences and other multi agency fora in which we take part.