At Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid we support every woman’s right to live free from violence and abuse.
No woman or child should live in fear of violence or abuse. We continue to work toward a future for all women in which inequality, violence and abuse are no longer tolerated.
We lobby national and local government and work to influence policy on key women’s issues. From access to education and civil justice, improvements to detention and asylum practices, through to better workplace practices and healthcare. We regularly provide expert advice to scrutiny panels, public consultations and strategic reviews.

“We add our voice to the voices of others and where we see gender-based inequality and abuse, we challenge it. Where we see good practice and positive action we champion it.”
We represent the rights and voices of women on boards, steering groups, task forces and working groups. From the West Midlands Combined Authority Homelessness Taskforce through to the Violence Against Women and Children Steering Group.
Alongside other regional Violence against Women and Children (VAWC) organisations we also work collaboratively as members of the West Midlands Specialist Domestic Abuse Consortium. Working together to improve and expand services available across the region, we focus attention on fundraising, campaigning, lobbying and seek to improve and expand services for women and children affected by domestic violence and abuse across the region.
Our collective links with police, children’s and adult services, housing, law centres, courts and other voluntary and statutory sector bodies ensure that, as a collective, we are best placed to lobby and campaign on behalf of the women we serve with the strongest, most powerful voice.
At BSWA we add our voice to the voices of others and where we see gender-based inequality and abuse, we challenge it.