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News and Events

Young Women experiencing domestic abuse now supported via specialist partnership project

NEWS After many years of working together in the local area, Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid (BSWA) specialist young women’s workers will now be integrated into St Basils’ accommodation based…

Book review ‘What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat’ by Aubrey Gordon

Emma one of our members of staff has written a review of Aubrey Gordon’s book ‘What we Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat’ Aubrey tackles personal and institutional…

Recite Me – Accessible toolbar

We’re really pleased to have launched our accessible toolbar which will make it easier for women to access support by offering screen reading functionality, multiple reading aids, customisable styling options…

Behind the scenes…The Court Project

One of our Courts workers Lisa shares her thoughts of the project she’s been a part of for many years, and the challenges of the work they do. The courts…

TV review In My Skin (BBC iPlayer)

After a long day at work, I often find myself trawling through the TV guide and various streaming services for a bit of escapism. Usually this ends in frustration as…

Book Review ‘Lotus’ Lijia Zhang

Lotus is a book which portrays the lives of women who are involved in China’s sex industry. The story unfolds through the viewpoint of the protagonist Lotus, a young woman who…

The Story of the Lilac Fairy

A special story for children (and grown ups!) Have you heard us talking about the Lilac Fairy who comes at Christmas time and helps us give out presents to the…

‘Men who hate women’ by Laura Bates: book review by SG

For those of you that are familiar with Laura’s Bates, you’ll know she was the founder of the ‘everyday sexism project’ where Bates encouraged women to tweet her their own…

She Beasts CIC – interview with founder Sadie Jones

BSWA are working with Sadie and She Beasts, a female community interest company offering fitness and training, to offer rebounding classes for women in our projects. We asked Sadie to…

A Day in the Life of…The Purple Project

Hazel works in our Older Women’s service, the Purple Project. 9am – Ready to start checking emails and messages and reply to those waiting for an answer. There is an…


Day in the life of…

My name is Steph and I am the Volunteer Coordinator here at BSWA. I’ve worked for BSWA for seven years and during my time I’ve been lucky enough to be…

Think Family

A moving poem written by our worker Sophie as she reflects on the Think Family project coming to an end. Think Family is dedicated to family support, Unfortunately, it’s coming…

About nursing

For many years before I worked at Women’s Aid I was a nurse, and actually left nursing to come and work at the Hub. I’ve been thinking about this a…

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